New Manna
Bible Institute

Equipping the people of God. 

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To equip committed men and women with the Word of God, including Biblical knowledge and practical applications, endeavoring, through them, to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" - Ephesians 3:20

*New Manna Bible Institute, Inc., admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin
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Our Focus

Our focus is YOU the student. We are focused on equipping and empowering you to fulfill all that God has planned for your life. We achieve this by equipping you with the Word of God while you are empowered by the Spirit of God. Upon completion, we believe you will be thoroughly equipped and empowered to impact the world around you for Jesus Christ.  

Word Equipped 

We believe God's Word, the Bible, is intended to to equip every Christian for service in their respective callings. We believe the Bible is completely reliable for equipping each student. It will be your primary textbook because it is God's Book and His resource for maturing you spiritually and equipping you for ministry. At New Manna, we love the Bible, and it's our aim to cultivate your love for it too!  

Spirit Empowered

We believe every Christian should be filled and governed by the Holy Spirit. Your life and even your knowledge of God's Word will make minimal impact apart from the Holy Spirit. It's our desire to see Him become your Best Friend and your Greatest Teacher. At New Manna, we depend upon and learn from the Holy Spirit, and our aim is to see your life and education empowered by Him!  

Community Driven

We believe the people of God are meant to live in community and love each other as a spiritual family. An atmosphere of love, support, and encouragement should exist among Christians. It's this type of community that exist at New Manna. We are His Body and our desire is to see each person loved and cared for as they are equipped and empowered for service to God! 

"Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly, above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us!" - Ephesians 3:20

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