
Welcome to New Manna Bible Institute!

 Below you will find a welcome from our President and Vice President.

We are so glad that you are here!

Greetings Everyone! 

My name is Rev. George R. Crimmins III. 

I am the Founder and President of New Manna Bible Institute and a Biblical Studies professor in both the Old and New Testament. 

Many years ago, God gave me a dream, it was a dream of teaching people from all walks of life the precious Book that God has given to all mankind—the Bible. Before this dream would come to pass, God took me on a journey to prepare me for what He placed in my heart, and to bring the right people and resources together to fulfill His plan. It was during my service in the U.S. Army that I surrendered my life to our Lord Jesus Christ on April 24, 1994. For over twenty-four years, I served in the United States Army in the capacity of Human Resourcing and Recruiting. While in the military, I served in numerous ministries. Since that time, I have served my Lord and His Church as a Sunday School teacher, in both youth and senior adult ministries, children's church pastor, evangelist, and as an associate pastor. Currently, I am serving in my local church as a Sunday School teacher and as an Associate Pastor. God has used all of these experiences to prepare me to fulfill His ultimate call on my life, which is the dream He gave me, and that dream has taken shape in the form of New Manna Bible Institute. This is God’s school. He gave me the dream, has provided the resources and people, has prepared me personally, and His immense blessing has been evident from day one. 

While serving our country, I achieved my formal academic goals. I earned a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry Leadership from Northwest University and a Master of Arts in Church Ministry from Wayland Baptist University. My passion is our Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. If you, like me, have a passion for God’s Word—the Bible—then New Manna Bible Institute is the place for you. We will provide you a stellar education in the Scriptures, which alone with God’s Spirit, will deepen your relationship with Jesus and equip you for the ministry He has for you. I look forwarding to serving you personally and with any specific ministry needs that you have. 

On a more personal note. I have been married to the love of my life—Mary Katherine Crimmins—for over thirty years. She is a precious servant of the Lord. My love for her is second only to my love for Jesus Christ. I have learned a lot from Mary through our journey together. She continues to display the love of Jesus in her daily life. I am forever thankful the Lord joined us together.  

Lastly, I would like to leave you with the mission of New Manna Bible Institute. We exist to “equip committed men and women with the Word of God, including Biblical knowledge and practical application, endeavoring, through them, to impact the world for Jesus Christ.” We offer both traditional and online classes to suit your needs and desires. I would like to personally invite you to join our New Manna family and be involved in all that God is doing through His school. 

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us"

 - Ephesians 3:20 



 My name is Rev. Luke Smith. I serve as Vice President and an Online Bibilical Studies Professor for both Old and New Testament. I am thrilled that you are considering New Manna for your educational pursuits. We are committed to both academic and spiritual excellence. My desire is to serve you by equipping you with God’s Word, as you are empowered by God’s Spirit, to fulfill the plan He has determined for your life, as you impact the world for Jesus Christ. 

A bit of personal information about myself. My wife Kimberly and I have been married for twelve years. We have four wonderful daughters, who are currently ages 8, 6, 4, and 9 months. We love going to the movies and hiking in the mountains together as a family. We homeschool our daughters which is both a blessing and challenging. I graduated from Liberty University where I earned a Bachelors in Biblical Studies and a Master of Divinity. I am currently pastoring Christian Fellowship in Fitzgerald, GA, where my fmaily and I reside. My passion in ministry is discipleship and preaching. I love God’s people and strive to develop and mature them spiritually. More than anything else—I love Jesus Christ! I am currently thirty-seven and was born into His Family at eight-years-old. Jesus becomes sweeter with each passing day and knowing Him intimately is my primary pursuit. 

I hope to see you in an online class soon.

"Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ." 

- Colossians 1:28 

Welcome to New Manna Bible Institute!   

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